
Magicka Mayhem: The Card Game of Elements, Spells & MAYHEM!

Created by Ethan (10y old) & Ken (OLD) Erickson

Hilarious Strategy Card Game. Combine Elements to cast Spells. Destroy foes. Humiliate friends. Pee your pants with laughter. Repeat...

Latest Updates from Our Project:

8h LEFT: We are ONLY $30 AWAY from EVERY Backer receiving a Digital Copy of MAGICKA!!!
over 8 years ago – Thu, Apr 14, 2016 at 07:32:34 PM

That's right! We are only $30 away from EACH AND EVERY Backer (that includes you Beautiful $1 Buck Backers) receiving a FREE Digital Copy of Magicka to play on your PC. 

Be sure to TELL YOUR FRIENDS!!! Once we hit this Goal, EVERY... SINGLE... one of you that Backs Magicka Mayhem for ONE DOLLAR or more will get a copy of this AMAZING GAME.

HUGE THANKS to Paradox Interactive for this wonderful gift that we can NOW share with you AND ALL YOUR FRIENDS.

Email, Text, Tweet and Facebook this link to EVERYONE you know so they, too, can get a side of Magicka with their Magicka Mayhem!!!

ONLY 8 HOURS LEFT to get this super fantastimazing deal!!!

Magicka: Get your robes ready! 

Magicka is a satirical action-adventure game set in a rich fantasy world based on Norse mythology. The player assumes the role of a wizard from a sacred order tasked with stopping an evil sorcerer who has thrown the world into turmoil, his foul creations besieging the forces of good. Players will be able to combine elements to cast spells, wreaking havoc and devastation on the minions of darkness. They will also be able to team up with friends and fight their way through the campaign, or test their skills in the magickal arts through other challenging modes.

In Magicka, up to four players take on a grand adventure to save their world from certain doom using a fully dynamic spell system. The adventure mode takes the players across three different environments, ranging from the lush forests of mountain valleys to the frozen halls of the Mountain King where wits and creative thinking are the keys to victory. In the challenge mode, players fight off waves of enemies to earn their place on local and online leaderboards.

Main Features:  

  • Innovative and dynamic spellcasting system
  • Up to four-player co-op in all game modes, as well as a single-player option
  • Fight your way through a dozen different campaign levels
  • Explore an expansive realm of adventure to defeat the evil wizard
  • Find and unlock challenges, items, and powerful Magicks
  • Experience the parody and satire of a clichéd fantasy world

NOTE: Unfortunately, the original Magicka is not available on the Mac. However, there is a SMALL possibility that we will be able to make Magicka 2 available as an add-on AFTER the campaign is ended for an incredible Backers-only price.

34 Hours to GO + 1,000% Funded + NEW Gameplay Mode UNLOCKED!!!
over 8 years ago – Wed, Apr 13, 2016 at 11:59:39 PM

Great job, Beautiful Backers!

With about a day and a half left we have crested the 1,000% funded mark and are RACING to the finish line! At the rate of the last 24 hours we COULD see the UNLOCKING of a couple more Stretch Goals...

It's not too late to UPGRADE your contribution to a higher level! HOWEVER, tomorrow night WILL BE TOO LATE!

Next Stretch Goal = FREE Digital Copy of Magicka for your PC - the video game that inspired this project!

If we UNLOCK the next Stretch Goal EVERYONE (including $1 Backers!!!) will get a FREE digital copy of Magicka for the PC!!!
If we UNLOCK the next Stretch Goal EVERYONE (including $1 Backers!!!) will get a FREE digital copy of Magicka for the PC!!!

Blind Wizards' Bluff Gameplay Mode UNLOCKED!!!

This brings the TOTAL number of unique Gameplay modes to FOUR!

Using the Blind Wizards' Bluff Rules (still being perfected so your input is critical!) dueling Wizards SHARE the same set of FACE-UP Spell Cards, but maintain their own hand of (hidden) Element Cards (and equipment, etc.).

What will your strategy be? Cast the lower-power Spell that you KNOW you have the Elements for now? or try to save up your Elements to cast that whopper of a Spell BEFORE your Wizardly competitors do (or block your from doing so - those sneaky, little...)? or try your luck with the next Spell Card that is drawn after one has been cast?

It also helps to put on your 'bluffing' hat! Whatever you do, don't leave too many hints as to your strategy or your opponents might figure it out and block or counter or protect themselves from your grand plan of Wizardly destructification!

'Unleash the DRAGON' co-op mode, here we come!

And, SURPRISE, there will be TWO Boss Monsters (if we hit the Stretch Goal). 

Here's a little (we still want to keep the mystery alive!) something that the great folks at Paradox Interactive have cooked up for us to whet your appetite! The actual image is about 10x BIGGER than this!

This is a TIGHTLY-cropped image of POTENTIALLY one of the Boss Monsters.
This is a TIGHTLY-cropped image of POTENTIALLY one of the Boss Monsters.
Can you guess what kind of Boss Monster THIS is? The Wizard all wrapped-up in a web should give you SOME hint! ;-)
Can you guess what kind of Boss Monster THIS is? The Wizard all wrapped-up in a web should give you SOME hint! ;-)

Please let us know in the comments below if you like it. These are just concept art at the moment.

We would like to see if we can include BOTH Boss Monsters in each set - Poker Card sized for the basic set and Tarot Card sized for the Box Set (UNLESS we Unlock bigger boxes for the basic set, in which case it will be Tarot-sized ALL AROUND!).

Yours in Massive Mayhem,

Ken and Ethan

NEW and Improved (i.e., LESS Stretchy!) Stretch Goals
over 8 years ago – Mon, Apr 04, 2016 at 06:10:15 PM

Hey, Beautiful Backers!

We are 10 days away from taking OFF our Kickstarter Hats and DONNING our Card-Creating Hats! To entice you to share, Share, SHARE! we have seriously tweaked the Stretch Goals. Simply put, we made them EASIER to achieve much more FUN.

SIX Goals have already been UNLOCKED!

See the complete list at the BOTTOM of this update.

For instance:

The Unleash the Dragon co-op mode is no longer a printable PDF - it is now a complete RAID kit complete with Kickstarter EXCLUSIVE Epic Boss card, Epic Boss Spell cards and Treasure cards. This is available to ALL Backers (of course, the $1 Backers will be receiving these as part of their Print n' Play PDF - not physical).

Digital copies of Magicka ($10 VALUE) and Magicka 2 ($15 VALUE).

Upgraded Box Sizes for BOTH Basic Set Backers and Box Set Backers (try to say THAT 10x fast!). The bigger box for the Basic Set means that your Add-ons will fit wonderfully into the box with room to STRETCH their legs! You did add on some add-ons, right?!? They're just $17 each.

Some great art upgrades that are much more attainable than with the previous (very conservative) Stretch Goals.

Also, a variation on gameplay using DICE for the Elements instead of Cards. We're REALLY excited about this one! It adds an entirely different game mode that completely changes the dynamic of the game - slightly less strategic (since you roll for Elements each Round AND your Elements are visible to your opponents), but faster and more chaotic and more unpredictable (i.e., more MAYHEM-y!). In essence, you roll 5 8-sided dice, select the ones you want to keep (if any) and then re-roll. You then have these 5 Elements available to cast the Spell Cards in your hand. We are even working on a DICE-ONLY mini-game where you can cast Spells from a list in your Spell Book. Super fun!!!

Feel free to share out any of the content from our social media page or our press kit:

Let's whip these Wizards into a FRENZY!!!
over 8 years ago – Sat, Apr 02, 2016 at 06:45:56 PM

We are ONE day into our Stretch Goals and that ONE day beat our previous DAILY AVERAGE by 300%. That's CRAZY! At that rate, we will hit ALL of our Stretch Goals! Sweet! We just CAN'T WAIT to Unleash the (RAID) Dragon!!!

Let's STAND TOGETHER to CRUSH these Stretch Goals!
Let's STAND TOGETHER to CRUSH these Stretch Goals!

Here's how we're gonna make this happen:

We learned an AMAZING technique for sharing your passion with the world from a mentor of ours, Chalene Johnson. Crazy enough, it's called 'Passion Marketing'. We would LOVE if you would continue your PASSIONATE AWESOMENESS for Ethan, our family and this wonderful game by Passion Marketing WITH US by doing as many of the steps below as you can. 

Fire back a message on your progress with this and I'm sure we can find some really cool and special way for us to THANK YOU for going out on a limb for us!!!

LOTS of images BELOW to help you and you can find lots of text to steal... err... BORROW... here:


1) Like the Magicka Mayhem: The Card Game Facebook Page:

2) Please INVITE your friends to also Like the Facebook Page.

3) Please Like, Share and Comment on Posts to get some buzz going - LEAD them to a great game with a great story! They will thank you! You can also send out your own posts using the images below. If you ;want to get SUPER FANCY (i.e., it earns you BONUS points!!!) you can use text and video and images from our Press Kit here:

4) Follow the Magicka Mayhem: The Card Game profile:

5) Please Favorite and Re-Tweet our posts out to your Followers. Mesmerize them wish your CHARM!!!

6) Pick one (or more) of the links below and put it in an email to your friends and family. Feel free to TEXT a handful of friends and family that you think would really enjoy this game and the story behind it's creation.

7) Visit each of these wonderful pages (there are HUNDREDS more if you want to search for them!). FAVORITE each of these articles - these wonderful writers are as passionate as ALL of us! Finally, SHARE each of these articles with your friends:

Video of Ethan on-stage at the GDC Press Conference:

Video of Ethan's 'pitch' to Paradox Interactive:

Great podcast interview!!!

Another GREAT podcast:

Wonderful story about Ethan and the power of support young creativity:


Ethan HATES this one: 'small child'! Ha!:


PC GamesN:

PC Invasion:

Crowdfunding Centre:

Great Story by Beasts of War:

Game Skinny:

Tabletop Gaming News:


Kids Game Network:

Gaming Cyper:

BEHOLD the S-T-R-E-T-C-H Goals!!!
over 8 years ago – Fri, Apr 01, 2016 at 03:51:00 PM

First off, we have THE BEST Backers in the whole of Kickstarter-dom!!!

As OUR way of thanking YOU for ALREADY taking Magicka Mayhem SO much farther than we thought possible, we are offering some pretty spiffy Stretch Goals. You can check them out BELOW. 

SPOILER: you've already UNLOCKED 4 OF THEM!!!

Your enthusiasm for this project, your amazing advice, supportive, well... SUPPORT!... and Social Media Voodoo that you do has really put Magicka Mayhem on the map (just try Googling Magicka Mayhem to see what I'm talking about)! Thank you for that!

We would LOVE to see each and every one of you receive ALL the goodies contained in the Stretch Goals listed below. With a little concerted effort we can TOTALLY make that a reality! In the next update we will spell out exactly how you can spread the word so that it will be RIDICULOUSLY easy for you!

Until then, you can start by Liking our Facebook Page at:

Take a look at these Stretch Goals. Please feel free to offer up any feedback you like - either via direct message or on the comments board. We can make a few tweaks based on your feedback before we go LIVE with them in the next day or so.

And if you aren't familiar with Stretch Goals... basically, each time we reach a Stretch Goal then everyone indicated in that Goal will receive the goodies listed there. Easy peasy!


 Ken and Ethan