
Magicka Mayhem: The Card Game of Elements, Spells & MAYHEM!

Created by Ethan (10y old) & Ken (OLD) Erickson

Hilarious Strategy Card Game. Combine Elements to cast Spells. Destroy foes. Humiliate friends. Pee your pants with laughter. Repeat...

Latest Updates from Our Project:

GOING TO PRINT SOON! PLUS Sneak Peak at some Wizard Wearables.
about 8 years ago – Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 12:35:34 AM

We are T-H-I-S Close to Getting Magicka Mayhem into your Hot, Little Hands!!

You're only T-H-I-S far from Magicka Mayhem GOODNESS!!!
You're only T-H-I-S far from Magicka Mayhem GOODNESS!!!

We have completed ALL the card designs (Core Game and ALL three Add-ons). We are now ready to go to print (barring any huge changes necessary to 'appease' the Printing Gods!).

Our biggest challenge during this final phase of the project has been nailing down printing options. The feedback we received from our 25+ playtesters gave us SO many great ideas that it has been somewhat difficult picking which ones to go with and which ones to back-burner to another version. All of those 'options' have complicated our ability to get STRAIGHTFORWARD printing quotes!

WHY must we be having SO much FUN and be SO creative!!! ;-)

However, we have braved the overgrown jungle of 'options' and have FINALLY come out the other side (mostly) VICTORIOUS! We are currently awaiting a couple more quotes that we think will give us an option that should be REALLY cool.

Fingers crossed!

Last Chance to Pre-Order Before We Go to Print!

We will be locking down the Kickstarter / BackerKit Surveys in less than a week. If you haven't completed them then please do so. We don't want there to be any (FURTHER!) delays getting Magicka Mayhem to you. 

If you wanted to add some stuff to your Pledge then NOW is the time to do it! (OR click the Link in the BackerKit Survey email that you received)

Sneak Peak at the Wizard Wearables Add-on






Check out these HILARIOUS fantasy-themed Greeting Cards!
about 8 years ago – Mon, Jul 25, 2016 at 10:01:31 PM

Hey, Beautiful Backers!

Quick plug for a Kickstarter that our very good friend, Jamie, launched AND..

A super-brief Magicka Mayhem update.

Fantasy / RPG -themed Greeting Cards!

Our good friend (and super-crazy talented artist) Jamie Noble Friar of The Noble Artists ( has just launched a Kickstarter for his Fantasy / RPG -themed GREETING CARDS. That's right! You read it correctly... RPG-THEMED GREETING CARDS! The IDEA ALONE is worth backing. However, the finished product is even BETTER-ER! 

Check out the Kickstarter for these Funny Fantasy Greeting Cards here:

They... are... HILARIOUS!!!  

Click the image to Back the Kickstarter!
Click the image to Back the Kickstarter!
Click the image to Back the Kickstarter!
Click the image to Back the Kickstarter!

Super-brief Magicka Mayhem Update

We're are hard at work implementing the MOUNTAIN of suggestions that we received from our Playtesters. Their AMAZING feedback will make the game SO much better than we could have done on our own!

Also, THANK YOU for filling out your Surveys in such a timely fashion - over 90% of the Surveys have already been completed (and quite a lot of you upgraded or added some cool stuff to your Pledge - THANKS for that!). 

Yours in Massive Mayhem, 

Ken and Ethan

Surveys AWAY!!!
about 8 years ago – Mon, Jul 11, 2016 at 10:14:09 PM


We sent out the BackerKit Surveys this morning!

Everyone should have them in their email inbox by now. IF YOU DO NOT SEE IT then please check your Spam Folder. If it is not there then please feel free to reach out to us via direct message or at [email protected]. We would be happy to send it out again (or to a different email address, etc.).


Thank you SO much for believing in our game! The Add-ons have been FLYING OFF THE (virtual "I haven't been manufactured yet") SHELF (and it's only been a couple hours!).

We have been getting a TON of questions about what to expect in the Add-ons.

Here's a little peek...

Summoner Spree Add-on Pack Cards (these are NOT Final - still some cool tweaks coming!):

Summon Lightning 'Rob' - Get it? Lightning Rod... Lightning 'Rob'? Never mind... ;-)
Summon Lightning 'Rob' - Get it? Lightning Rod... Lightning 'Rob'? Never mind... ;-)


Summon 'Ice Cube' and you're in for a CHILLY reception!
Summon 'Ice Cube' and you're in for a CHILLY reception!


Lightning Trap!
Lightning Trap!


Fire Trap
Fire Trap

More Massive-er Mayhem Add-on Pack Cards (these are NOT Final - still some cool tweaks coming!):

You Meddling Kids! Are you a fan of this kids TV show?
You Meddling Kids! Are you a fan of this kids TV show?


Watch out for that Tree... HUGGER!
Watch out for that Tree... HUGGER!


Safety First
Safety First


Kickstarter Survey... INCOMING!!!
about 8 years ago – Thu, Jul 07, 2016 at 03:52:32 PM

MOCK-UP (i.e., NOT final!) of Box Art Illustration for both Basic Deck and Box Set
MOCK-UP (i.e., NOT final!) of Box Art Illustration for both Basic Deck and Box Set

The day we have ALL been waiting for is VERY CLOSE!!! 

You know... that day where we send you an email Survey from BackerKit DEMANDING terribly mundane information like your Shipping Address or whether you prefer the blood-red-colored Wizard Robe or the overly-ripe-banana-colored Wizard Robe, etc. 


Okay, maybe that is NOT the 'day' you were envisioning, BUT - if it makes you feel any better - Survey Day is CRITICAL to making 'Magicka Mayhem Shipping Day' happen! 


We would LOVE to give you an exact Shipping Date.  However, much will depend on how quickly we receive the Surveys back. 

Our current estimate for Shipping Out the BASIC DECK ONLY REWARDS is "sometime in August". The estimated Shipping Date for ALL other Rewards (Box Set, Add-ons, etc.) is currently "sometime in September". 



If you have Backed a Kickstarter Campaign before then the BackerKit Survey will likely look very familiar (and THANKS for helping Kickstarters get their dreams created!). 

If you have NOT Backed a Kickstarter Campaign before here is a basic primer on what to expect (and SUPER THANKS for choosing our little game as your very first Backing! We hope that turns into MANY more successful dreams realized!): 

1) SURVEY RECEIVED VIA EMAIL: You will receive an email in your inbox within the next few days. The email will come from a company called BackerKit, a great group of guys and gals that make the process of getting the exact Reward you want as painless as possible! 

2) OPEN THE SURVEY IN THE EMAIL: BEFORE we start manufacturing the game we NEED to know exactly how many units of each type (Basic Set, Box Set, Add-ons, etc.) we need in order to make each and every one of our Backers super ridiculously happy. 

3) COMPLETE THE SURVEY: The Survey is fairly straightforward. You can either CONFIRM what BackerKit has pre-filled out for you or CHANGE the options to customize your order any way that you like. 

4) SHOPPING SPREE!: After you confirm your order, you will be given the option to ADD more cool Magicka Mayhem stuff to your Shopping Cart. We HIGHLY encourage such reckless Mayhem-y type behavior. ;-) 


If you have either UPGRADED your Pledge Level OR ADDED items to your Shopping Cart then you will be prompted to enter credit card information to close out the Survey. 

If you have NOT upgraded or added anything to your cart then you will simply skip straight to closing out the Survey.  



EXAMPLE #1: If you want to UPGRADE your Pledge Level (from, say, $1 to the $25 level - HINT, HINT!!!) then select the $25 Level Pledge BEFORE STARTING THE SURVEY. You will be asked for credit card information at the end of the Survey. 

EXAMPLE #2: If you Pledged for a Basic Deck, but also ADDED $17 to your order for an Add-on then the Survey is where you will select WHICH ADD-ON YOU WANT (you have a choice of three). 

EXAMPLE #3: If you simply want to add another Basic Deck to your order then skip ahead to the Add-ons portion of the Survey and select the appropriate option. 


If you have ANY questions about the Survey process feel free to private message us via Kicksarter OR email us directly at [email protected]. We would be HAPPY to guide you through the process. 


If, for some reason, you do not wish to complete the BackerKit Survey you may simply private message us on Kickstarter OR email us directly at [email protected] with the following information: 

Name, Shipping Address (if receiving a physical product), your original Pledge Amount and exactly what Rewards you wanted for that Pledge Amount.  


Art Update and Playtesting INVITATION
over 8 years ago – Wed, Jun 08, 2016 at 11:29:56 PM

We have completed VERSION 1 of our Core Set cards!

Here's a sneak peak (3 more cards at the bottom):

A Spell Card BEFORE Kickstarter and a Spell Card that was POSSIBLE by our Beautiful Backers!
A Spell Card BEFORE Kickstarter and a Spell Card that was POSSIBLE by our Beautiful Backers!

They are at the printers - waiting patiently in line as good little Wizards are supposed to. We are printings several Playtest Sets for... well... PLAYTESTING. ;-)

On that point...


We are looking for a select group of Playtesters to provide DETAILED feedback on the how the game plays. There will be a brief evaluation for you to fill out and offer up suggestions for improvement.

Playtesting can take one of two forms:

1. You can join us here in Orange County, CA, USA to play the game while we observe, take notes and generally poke and prod you like you're a lab animal (kidding on that last one!).


2. We can mail you a set of Playtest Cards (yes, you can keep them!) so that you can play some rounds with your friends. Afterwards, you can write up some feedback for us or we can discuss via phone or Skype or mental telepathy (you DO know mental telepathy, right?).

We'll dream up some form of 'thank you' gift for all your hard work and great feedback (feel free to suggest enticements that might 'entice' you to participate).

Spots for Playtesting are EXTREMELY LIMITED. We would need feedback submitted to us fairly quickly after you receive your Playtesting cards. That we can actually MAKE THE CHANGES THAT YOU SUGGEST.

If this sounds like fun to you then please email us at [email protected]. Please provide a brief description of your experience playing card and board games and how you propose to conduct the playtest (take it to the local gaming group that you are active in, get together with some friends, meet us here in Southern California, invite your good friend who just happens to own the largest card game retail distribution companies on the planet, etc.).

Here are a few more cards:

Ethan's Favorite
Ethan's Favorite


Get it? Lightning 'Rob'? Lightning ROD? Ha! This one is in the Summoner Spree Add-on Pack
Get it? Lightning 'Rob'? Lightning ROD? Ha! This one is in the Summoner Spree Add-on Pack



 As usual, fee free to leave any feedback you may have on the card design or artwork.

Ken and Ethan