
Magicka Mayhem: The Card Game of Elements, Spells & MAYHEM!

Created by Ethan (10y old) & Ken (OLD) Erickson

Hilarious Strategy Card Game. Combine Elements to cast Spells. Destroy foes. Humiliate friends. Pee your pants with laughter. Repeat...

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Check out this GREAT game! Only about 12 or so hours left!!!
over 6 years ago – Tue, Apr 24, 2018 at 05:27:02 PM

Our good friends Artem and Golden Bell are in the last few hours of their 1-player survival game. Give it a look-see and please back it if you like what you see - WE SURE DO!

Yours in Massive Mayhem,

Ken and Ethan

Unbroken. Do YOU have what it takes to survive?!?
Unbroken. Do YOU have what it takes to survive?!?

HELP!!! Some People Have NO Sense of Humor!
over 7 years ago – Mon, Apr 03, 2017 at 11:31:44 PM

Hey, Beautiful Backers!

It's been a bit crazy here at Mayhem Central! We wanted to give you quick (okay, it's kinda LONG!) update of what YOU have been able to make happen!


  • HELP!!! Some People Have NO Sense of Humor!
  • Win a SIGNED copy of Magicka Mayhem, CUSTOM T-shirt or Gimongo Poster
  • VIDEO: OrcCon: Our First Convention
  • A Publishing We A-Go!
  • Let's Battle Wizard-Style ONLINE

HELP!!! Some People Have NO Sense of Humor!

FIRST, some (kinda) bad news. :(

We have been overjoyed with the wonderful feedback on the game that we have received from our Backers and players. The vast majority of the reviews have been GREAT. You can catch one of our favorites (Mithical Entertainment's review) here:

We are also taking copious notes on how to make the game even better-er. ;-)

In an effort to get some Reviews up on our Amazon page, we decided to use Amazon's Vine Voice reviewer service (free as part of the LaunchPad program - without LaunchPad it's uber expensive!). 

UNFORTUNATELY, our game ended up in the hands of a bunch of HARDCORE board gamers. Apparently, they have NO sense of humor whatsoever or sense of what "CASUAL, FAMILY-FRIENDLY GAME" means. :(

I KNEW my big mouth would eventually get me in trouble! Luckily, all (okay, most!) of you wonderful Backers get our sense of humor.

Which leads us to our next topic...

Win a SIGNED copy of Magicka Mayhem, CUSTOM T-shirt or Gimongo Poster


We would SUPER-SERIOUSLY LOVE if you could post a review of Magicka Mayhem on Amazon (the U.S. version of Amazon even if you live overseas). Our online sales pretty much live or die based on Reviews and we would love if we could 'cancel out' a couple of the poopy Reviews (Seriously? 1-star for all aspects of the game across the board - gameplay, artwork, text, design, packaging?!?).

Here's the link if you would like to help us out:

(if that doesn't work you can just search for the game)

We really HATE asking for your help since you have ALREADY been so incredibly AWESOME. To reward you for your efforts (and make us feel 'less dirty' for asking!) we propose the following:

We will give away 1 super-cool, TOTALLY UNIQUE gift to a random reviewer FOR EVERY 10 Reviews that we receive on Amazon! Your choices include:

1) a signed copy of the Core Game, or

2) a T-shirt that YOU customize any way you like using Magicka Mayhem artwork, or

3) a foam core 18" x 24" sign that YOU customize any way you like using Magicka Mayhem artwork.

Since we already have over 20 reviews on Amazon, that means that we will be giving out at least two already. Here are some IDEAS of what you can get (of course, you can change it up however you like including adding text over the illustrations!):







Thanks! We SUPER appreciate it!

RULES: Simply add a comment below letting us know that you posted a review (we're using the honor system here... yeah, I know - Wizards and the honor system don't exactly mix well!). If you have ALREADY posted a review (THANKS!) then please comment, as well. We will announce all the winners sometime in June (to give everyone a chance to post reviews). 

OrcCon: Our First Convention

VIDEO: I can LITERALLY see Ethan's head (and corresponding EGO!) growing BIGGER in this video! ;-)


Let's get to work, people! We got games to PLAY!!!
Let's get to work, people! We got games to PLAY!!!


Ethan - the MASTER of Game Demos!
Ethan - the MASTER of Game Demos!


Dang, that booth looks LEGIT!
Dang, that booth looks LEGIT!


T-5 minutes to Con Start. Doesn't he look SCARED?!?
T-5 minutes to Con Start. Doesn't he look SCARED?!?


Suck it down, BOY! We got WORK to do!!!
Suck it down, BOY! We got WORK to do!!!

We attended out first convention last month! It's a small one near us and it was a TON of fun! Ethan was the game-demonstrator extraordinaire!!! 

The best part? To see people playing our game in the big rooms (even games that were purchased OUTSIDE of OrcCon)!!! They LITERALLY had HUNDREDS of games to choose from and many of them chose Magicka Mayhem. So cool! We even ran into several of our Backers at OrcCon (including Victor who was RUNNING the entire show!). We had NO idea until we got there! What an amazing community of people! We feel very blessed to be a part of it!

We also completely sold out of our Box Sets on the first day! We did NOT expect that!

A Publishing We A-Go!

Okay, this one is less of an 'Update' and more of a tease. 

We have been in discussions with a game publisher to publish Magicka Mayhem! As you can imagine, things get complicated when the game is licensed and involves a big third party in the discussion. We are moving at a breakneck speed so that we are ready for the 4th Quarter of this year. The game needs to be redesigned for the brick and mortar retail market. Our publisher tells us that we need to go with a bigger box and include more cool stuff - play mats, dice, coins, figures, etc. to compete with the Big Boys on the shelf. We have not yet received word if we will do a Kickstarter campaign for the 'New and Improved Magicka Mayhem'. We very much want to do it (and DO NOT worry - we will make sure that we bake-in some super deal ONLY for Backers of the original project!!!). I would love to hear your feedback on this issue in the Comments below. Re-launching a previously-Kickstarted game seems to be somewhat controversial in the Kickstarter world. 

We have SO much more to tell you, but we are contractually prevented from saying anything just yet. :) Neener, neener! ;-)

Let's Battle Wizard-Style ONLINE!

By now, everyone should have received their Steam Codes for Magicka Mayhem.

Where the Mayhem Began! MA-GI-CKA!!! MA-GI-CKA!!!
Where the Mayhem Began! MA-GI-CKA!!! MA-GI-CKA!!!

I invite you to post your Steam Contact Info below in the Comments so that all us Backers can 'Friend' you an Steam and play FOR REALS!

That's it for now. The family will be going on vacation for Spring Break around April 10th. We will be a little slow on responding to messages and emails during that time.

Yours in Massive Mayhem,

Ken and Ethan

over 7 years ago – Tue, Feb 07, 2017 at 11:13:52 AM

This post is for backers only. Please visit and log in to read.

The Case of the Mysterious Disappearing... SHIPPING ENVELOPES!
almost 8 years ago – Tue, Dec 13, 2016 at 05:45:13 PM

  • Update to the Shipping Update, Update (What?!? Again?!?!)
  • An Amazing Fantasy Art Book Kickstarter

Update to the Shipping Update, Update (What?!? Again?!?!)

Try to say that 10x fast!

This was SUPPOSED to be the Update where we tell you that each and every one of you should already be in possession of Magicka Mayhem.

INSTEAD, this is the Update where we whine and complain about the complete ineptitude of our fulfillment house. I won't bore you with the details (and the language that I would very likely use would be inappropriate for a good portion of our Backers). ;-)

Let's just say that our fulfillment house (where our poor Wizards have been LANGUISHING now for WEEKS!) informed us that we are delayed (yet again!) because they are having a hard time getting the correct shipping envelopes (seriously?!?). In retrospect we could have enlisted child labor and gotten this done in about 4 days AND at a lower cost. Geesh.

The NEW estimate for all games going out (U.S. and International) is now this Friday (December 13th). Oddly enough, the GIGANTIFIED version has ALREADY gone out. This is odd because we originally estimated that it would ship MUCH, MUCH later than all the rest. 

In the future, we will provide Updates that are THE EXACT OPPOSITE of whatever any vendor (printer, shipper, customs, fulfillment, etc.) tells us. In this particular Kickstarter such a strategy would have made us right 100% of the time! Live and learn... ;-)

My advice: Don't hold your breath. The next Update may very well report that the fulfillment warehouse has gone up in flames with all of our Wizards in it. 

Heroes one-and-all. ;-)

Thanks for your (likely rapidly wearing thin!) patience.

An Amazing Fantasy Art Book Kickstarter

We would LOVE to 'draw' your attention to a Kickstarter that we are really enjoying.

Visions of a Thousand Eyes : the ultimate fantasy artbook!

The project is already funded, but it is ending soon. Some of the artwork looks ALMOST AS GOOD as Magicka Mayhem. 


Yours in Massive Mayhem (in fact, MORE than we ever expected!),

Ken and Ethan

Magicka Mayhem TELEPORTING SOON to a Mailbox Near You!
almost 8 years ago – Wed, Nov 23, 2016 at 08:11:20 PM

The Wiley Wizards have LANDED!

Apparently, U.S. Customs is not keen on allowing 10 year olds to simply 'smuggle' THOUSANDS of faceless, nameless be-robed practitioners of Magick into the United States without first asking a BAZILLION questions! Fortunately, the Wiley Wizards can be somewhat charming (or at least THREATENING-looking!) when they need to be. 


Waiting for the Wiley Wizards to be released from the DHL dungeon... err, 'custody'. ;-)
Waiting for the Wiley Wizards to be released from the DHL dungeon... err, 'custody'. ;-)

Literally, MINUTES after we received word that the Wizards were free on 'U.S. Customs bail' we QUICKLY whisked them away before the U.S. Government discovered their rather OBVIOUS mistake. They are now kicking their feet up at their new, temporary home in Anaheim, California (YES! that IS where Mickey Mouse lives!) until they can hitch a ride on U.S. Government transport vehicles (courtesy of the U.S. Postal Service) to your homes. Air Force One was unavailable the last time we checked and, I believe, President-Elect Donald Trump's private plane is being re-painted to be 'more beautiful-er than Air Force One' at the moment.

The fulfillment house estimated that they would start sending out shipments on Wednesday, November 30th! 

The Wiley Wizards tasting FREEDOM for the first time in OVER 3 WEEKS (i.e., the air transport / U.S. Customs BLACK HOLE!).
The Wiley Wizards tasting FREEDOM for the first time in OVER 3 WEEKS (i.e., the air transport / U.S. Customs BLACK HOLE!).


The Wiley Wizards all packed up and ready to head to their new (temporary) housing until they can catch a ride to YOU next week!
The Wiley Wizards all packed up and ready to head to their new (temporary) housing until they can catch a ride to YOU next week!

Magicka Mayhem Tutorial Videos NOW AVAILABLE!

Don't like reading instructions on how to play you new favorite game?

No problem!

You can now watch a VIDEO of us READING the Magicka Mayhem instructions to you!!!

Just kidding!

We have put together a 10 Video Tutorial series to help you get started playing Magicka Mayhem right away. You can watch them here: (or click the image below)

WARNING: Watching the videos will very likely SPOIL our next surprise (coming up in about a week or two). If you want to keep THAT a surprise then hold off on watching the videos.

NOTE: the audio is a bit yucky in parts. We plan to re-record these videos soon, but we wanted the Print-n-Play Backers to have access to these videos NOW.


Check out these SPIFFY new tutorial videos - THANKS IN LARGE PART to one of your fellow Backers, Greg Krywusha!
Check out these SPIFFY new tutorial videos - THANKS IN LARGE PART to one of your fellow Backers, Greg Krywusha!


Magicka Mayhem Wallpaper

We have had SEVERAL Backers ask if they could get our logo image as wallpaper for their computer or phone. After Ethan suggested that we rent the wallpaper for $1,000 a day, I was able to talk him down to FREE, FOREVER!

These also work for your phone. You will just need to crop them to your liking within the phone's wallpaper app. Feel free to email us at [email protected] if you are having any issue with this.

These were LOVINGLY created FOR YOU by the Box Art artist, Pontus Olofsson, that worked on a few of the original Magicka video game titles (

Magicka Mayhem Wallpaper 1920 x 1080:

Magicka Mayhem Wallpaper 1920 x 1200:


Yours in Massive Mayhem,

Ken and Ethan