
Magicka Mayhem: The Card Game of Elements, Spells & MAYHEM!

Created by Ethan (10y old) & Ken (OLD) Erickson

Hilarious Strategy Card Game. Combine Elements to cast Spells. Destroy foes. Humiliate friends. Pee your pants with laughter. Repeat...

Latest Updates from Our Project:

How to Play Magicka Mayhem (link to Gameplay Instructions)
almost 8 years ago – Thu, Nov 17, 2016 at 02:04:02 PM

What?!? You Can't Read Our Minds?!?

It has been brought to our attention that some knuckleheads at the Digital Media Division (formerly the Department of All Things 1's and 0's) at Magicka Mayhem World Headquarters forgot to include gameplay instructions along with the Print-n-Play (heads are gonna roll!). ;-)

Geesh... the BUREAUCRACY in some of these HUGE institutions is FRIGHTENING!


Anyhow... here's the link:

Along with a few (of the 26 in total) pretty pictures.

NOTE: Be SURE to check out the last two! :)


Magicka Mayhem: The 'Elements' of an Element Card
Magicka Mayhem: The 'Elements' of an Element Card


Magicka Mayhem: The Makings of a Spell
Magicka Mayhem: The Makings of a Spell


Magicka Mayhem: Getting Started
Magicka Mayhem: Getting Started






almost 8 years ago – Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 04:50:29 PM

  • Shipping Update (i.e., Magicka Mayhem is no longer stuck in processing limbo!).
  • Print-n-Play is going LIVE!
  • PC / Mac Versions of Magicka Games INCOMING!
  • Magicka Mayhem Tutorial Videos.
  • TEASE (just to be mean!) of an AMAZING special gift created by one of your fellow Backers.

Open the Magick Flood Gates!

Shipping Update

After a hefty delay related to "Clearance" (whatever that means!), your game has finally 'cleared' and 'departed' it's birthplace of Mumbai, India earlier today. Hopefully, that means it isn't 'departing' into a rogue Black Hole, but I wouldn't count ANYTHING out given the wild ride we've had so far! ;-)

We don't have an updated delivery date (the prior date was YESTERDAY, Tuesday, November 15th), but it is heading here by plane so we estimate 2-4 MONTHS (kidding!). Hopefully, a few more days.

Poor, lonely Magicka Mayhem games seeking new homes...
Poor, lonely Magicka Mayhem games seeking new homes...

 Print-n-Play Going LIVE!

By the time you see this, you WILL LIKELY have received an email from BackerKit announcing that you have Digital Downloads available. That is referring to the Print-n-Play version of Magicka Mayhem. 

Every Backer is receiving ALL cards and ALL versions of the cards - Poker and GIGANTIFIED sizes of the Core Game and ALL 3 Add-ons. The Print-n-Play is also being provided in multiple printing formats - US Letter size, US Tabloid size, International A3 & A4 sizes. 

Another REALLY cool thing is that one of your fellow Backers, Chuck Polenzani from One Red Cent Productions, has created his trademark ORCPnP layouts. These are SUPER COOL! Instead of printing on one side of a piece of paper and then printing on the backside (all the while HOPING that the fronts line-up with the backs!), Chuck's layouts GUARANTEE a perfect match-up. AND, because the paper is folded, it actually adds more thickness and heft to the printed cards making them feel more 'card like'. Of course, if this isn't for you, you can weenie out and use the 'Traditional' layouts. ;-)

The files are HUGE because Chuck exported them in super high-resolution - there are 7 downloads (however, only 1 or 2 will really apply to each Backer, though) and EACH is over 100MB! Just download the ones you want (in other words, if you're in the U.S. you DO NOT need the A3 and A4 sizes. If you don't have a 'Tabloid' printer then you don't need that one either.).

If you don't receive a BackerKit email by the end of this week, feel free to message us here on Kickstarter or email me at [email protected] and we'll send you a link directly.

PC / Mac Versions of Magicka Games INCOMING!

ALL Backers will be receiving a Steam Key to play the original award-winning Magicka created by Arrowhead Studios and published by Paradox Interactive. Paradox has been WILDLY BUSY with the recent release of their uber-successful new game, Tyranny (created by our good friends at Obsidian Entertainment right here in Irvine, California!). I have played a few hours now and it's AMAZING! In Tyranny, you can actually play the BAD GUY!

You can check out Tyranny here:

When things calm down for Paradox, we will be able to push out the access keys. 

Some Backer levels will be receiving additional Magicka games and add-ons. We are hoping to push all of those out at the same time.

Magicka Mayhem Tutorial Videos

We just completed filming about 10 Magicka Mayhem tutorial videos. They turned out really well! They still need to be edited and posted on the website, but we are trying our darnedest to get them done quickly so that you can watch them before getting your Print-n-Play up and running. We'll send out another update when they are up on the website.

We WOULD show you a screenshot, BUT it would give away the SURPRISE which is our last item of business... err, MAYHEM!!!


Yet another of our AMAZING BACKERS, Greg Krywusha, spent a gagillion hours working on a SPECIAL project to make Magicka Mayhem even more fun-ner! Because we are cruel and heartless people, we will NOT be telling you what it is just yet. However, we REALLY, REALLY, REALLY think it's cool and we're pretty darn sure you will, too!

You can expect us to reveal that surprise around mid-December!

That's it for now!

May the Mayhem be with you! (I feel like that's been used before...) ;-)

Ken and Ethan

Physical Proofs Are In! and Contest Winners Announced!!!
almost 8 years ago – Sat, Oct 08, 2016 at 07:23:01 PM

First off: Thanks SO much for Backing Nathan's Lights Out Kickstarter! It was successfully funded and we are ALREADY enjoying the detailed world that he has crafted for us (we received the Playtest version as part of our Pledge level).

One lucky Lights Out Backer has won a Magicka Mayhem Box Set. See if that lucky duck is YOU at the end of this Update!

Physical Proofs Are In!!!

That's right. We have achieved the FINAL STEP before moving forward with manufacturing Magicka Mayhem!

Needless to say, we spent some serious time going over every piece to make sure it is the BEST that it can be (our poor manufacturer's rep is probably tearing his hair out about now!). 

We would TELL you the game looks GORGEOUS, but it's probably better to just SHOW you. Here goes...

Bigger and... BOXIER! The Magicka Mayhem Box Set.
Bigger and... BOXIER! The Magicka Mayhem Box Set.


The Box Set 'Peek-a-BOO!'
The Box Set 'Peek-a-BOO!'


The Box Set 'Peek-a-BOO' 2!
The Box Set 'Peek-a-BOO' 2!


Box Set 'Open Sesame'
Box Set 'Open Sesame'


Box Set 'Open Sesame' 2
Box Set 'Open Sesame' 2


Let's Crack Open the 'Core' Set!!!
Let's Crack Open the 'Core' Set!!!


Look out!!! It's GIGANTIFIED!
Look out!!! It's GIGANTIFIED!


GIGANTIFIED: Perfectly sized for gamers with HUGE meat claws!
GIGANTIFIED: Perfectly sized for gamers with HUGE meat claws!


Boxes, boxes everywhere!
Boxes, boxes everywhere!

Winner of the Lights Out Be-a-Good-Backer Contest

We used on online random number generator to pick the winner.

Drum roll please...

The winning number is THREE!!!

Woohoo! Congratulations to #3!!!

Oh, wait...

You don't know who number 3 is, do you?

It's Ryan Campbell!!! (he is the FIRST to comment on the Light Out Update, but 1 Backer posted earlier on the main Comments section and 1 sent an earlier direct message which makes him lucky #3).

Thanks, everybody!!!

Lights Out! Get the game before it GETS YOU!!!
about 8 years ago – Tue, Oct 04, 2016 at 02:27:14 PM

Please Back Lights Out - The Tabletop RPG and Children's Chapter Book Series

ACT FAST: Back the Lights Out Kickstarter Campaign (at ANY Reward level!) and you will be entered into a raffle to win a Magicka Mayhem Box Set ($95 value). Simply comment below that you Backed the Nathan's Kickstarter Campaign (you can leave out the amount if you like) OR message us directly. The random winner will be announced when the Lights Out campaign ends (i.e., VERY SOON!).

Please Back this Game and Chapter Book Series!
Please Back this Game and Chapter Book Series!

An amazing author and good friend of ours, Nathan Reese Maher, is just HOURS away from his Kickstarter ending. He is REALLY, REALLY close to getting funded and my daughter, Avery, REALLY, REALLY wants to play his game. We are already well into the first book of the Lights Out Series and she LOVES it!

PLUS, Ethan LOVES it when his sister is reading! It helps to keep her from getting into his stuff! :)

I especially love this video that Nathan has on his campaign page showing how the art was created - from hand-drawn sketch to digital masterpiece. Anyone interested in game and book art will LOVE it:

We SHOULD have another Magicka Mayhem update coming your way ANY DAY NOW!


We are... OFF... AND... PRINTING!!!
about 8 years ago – Thu, Sep 08, 2016 at 09:28:52 PM

Hey, Beautiful Backers!

We JUST sent all our digital files off the printer!

Yes, it took us a BIT longer than we anticipated, but it was all for GOOD reason. Here's the rundown with an updated shipping estimate below.

Preview of the new box front for Tuck Box and Box Set.
Preview of the new box front for Tuck Box and Box Set.


Preview of the new box back for Tuck Box and Box Set.
Preview of the new box back for Tuck Box and Box Set.

Amazon LaunchPad

One of the most unexpected developments in the last few weeks is that we have been INVITED to participate in a brand new program by called LaunchPad. It's been in a closed beta for 1 year and has just recently launched in earnest. In a nutshell, Amazon commits to helping selected crowdfunded start-ups (like us!) launch their products to a global marketplace. It's a truly amazing program! Currently, there are fewer than a few DOZEN companies in the the Toys & Games category.

Having said that, the invitation forced us to make some hard decisions about placing our first-ever order with the printer. We eventually came down on the side of placing a LARGER order than necessary so that we can fulfill our promise to our Backers AND have inventory for LaunchPad up to and through the holiday selling season. 

Delays (and why they're GOOD for you!)

The BAD NEWS is that we were delayed on TWO fronts: 1) going back to the drawing board and re-researching printers (which we initially nailed down MONTHS ago, and 2) a longer production time due to placing a larger order. 

The GOOD NEWS is that the larger order has significantly lowered the cost per game. We are now able to use this savings to make the game EVEN BETTER-er! 

For instance: 

  • Magicka Mayhem will now have 108!!! total cards in the Core Game! We were initially planning on 72 cards and possibly pushing it to 90 cards, but the price jump from 90 to 108 made it IMPOSSIBLE for us to consider 108 before now. 
  • The Box Set will now have around 260 cards!!! Yikes! What were we thinking?!? ;-) 
  • The Core Game will now come in side-by-side tuck boxes that look WAY better than the standard (one big chunk) tuck box. The Box Set will actually have TWO of these side-by-side tuck boxes. 
  • The Add-ons will now come in their own individual tuck boxes! Prior to choosing our current 'long-run' printer, the best we could do was shrink-wrap the Add-ons AND it was looking like we actually were going to go with poly bags (YUCK!). I'm really excited about this one! I actually like it better than paper or foil wrapping (both of which are way too expensive for our purposes AND are discarded after first opening).
  • Each individual component of the game will now be shrink-wrapped: the cards, the tuck box they're contained in, the Add-on cards, the tuck box the Add-ons are contained in, the entire Box Set (with a few exceptions). 
  • We now have room in the deck (with the increase to 108 cards) to add four Damage Counter cards to each Core Game (a card with Health points, Shield points and Summoned Creature Health points - simply use a coin or small token to cover the number that represents your Wizard's Health or Shield Strength or Summoned Creature Health). 
  • The Box Set boxes are also going to be WAY better using this long-run printer. Going with the Print on Demand option, the Box Set boxes would have been made of a similar material to the tuck boxes (rather thin cardboard). The new boxes will be a 1.5mm Kappa board which is a very stiff and substantial card stock. The box will also be of two-piece construction instead of a thin cardboard box with a flap. You don't usually see this kind of box with a game unless it sells HUGE like Exploding Kittens or Cards Against Humanity or a game from a big publisher. 

When Will I Get My Stuff?!?

All the digital files have been sent to the printer - nearly 4GB of straight-up card and box artwork!

Best Case Scenario.. REPEAT... BEST CASE Scenario. ;-)

  • September 9th: Receive Digital Proofs from printer.
  • September 9-11 (the weekend): Review Digital Proofs with a fine-toothed comb.
  • September 12th: Submit Change Requests to the Digital Proofs (if needed).
  • September 13th: Receive and Review UPDATED Digital Proofs. 
  • September 14th: Approve UPDATED Digital Proofs.
  • Around September 26th: Receive PHYSICAL Proofs. Review and Approve soon after.
  • Around September 28th: Manufacturing begins (hopefully). We take PHYSICAL proofs to our fulfillment house to complete set-up for shipping (exact weight, dimensions, containers to be used, etc.);
  • Around October 19th: Manufacturing complete. Items shipped via AIR TRANSPORT.
  • Around October 26th: Magicka Mayhem arrives in our hot, little hands!!!
  • Around October 27th: We take Magicka Mayhem to the fulfillment house so they can ship it to EVERYONE!

WARNING: We are NOT including all the things that could go wrong in this estimate! Manufacturing delays, multiple re-dos on the Digital Proofs or the Physical Proofs, shipping delays, customs delays, damaged product, etc.

Fingers crossed that it all goes REASONABLY according to plan! :)

Yours in Massive Mayhem,

Ken and Ethan